Term and Permanent

Life Insurances

adapted to your needs

We are proud to serve our Florida First Responders community as all our team members are current or former First Responders themselves. Having first hand knowledge of the challenges of your work, let us help you find life insurances products to:

  • Protect your family financial needs in case of death
  • Diversify and increase your tax-free retirement income streams
  • Protect your assets in case of lawsuits
  • Transfer wealth to your heirs tax-free
  • Increase the return of your investments by using your money at two places at the same time
  • Build wealth with a safe asset that does not loose value even when the stock market is down

Case studies

Retirement Income


Provide a steady flow of non-taxable income during retirement even if you live up beyond 100 year old.

College Fund

College Fund

Set money asside for your children that could be used to pay for college without impacting financial aid.

Investment Financing


Use the cash value of your life insurance to fund your investments, while keeping the cash value growing at the same time.

Partner Income

Partner income

Make sure that your significant other will not be in financial distress after your death.

Asset Protection

Asset Protection

Protect your assets from lawsuit and creditors.

Wealth Transfer

Wealth Transfer

Optimize the transfer of your assets to your heirs when you pass away.

Mortgage Insurance


Obtain a life insurance to cover the payment of your outstanding debts at time of death.

Special Need Child

Special Need

Protect the financial needs of your special need child.

Funeral Expenses


Money will be immediately available to pay for your funeral expenses.

Long Term Care

Long Term Care

Have access to funds to pay for your long term care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Term Life Insurances are probably the most frequent life insurance contracts that you have been exposed to and also the simplest to understand.

The insurance company will pay, tax-free, to the person of your choice (the beneficiary) a certain fixed amount of money (the death benefit) if you (the insured) died before a certain date (the term) as long as you pay the insurance company a certain amount of money (the premium). The premium could be paid as a one-time fee, or more frequently as a regular monthly or yearly payment. This product is usually relatively cheap when you are young and in good health, but may become extremely expensive when you are getting older or suffering chronic disease up to a point where no insurance company will accept to cover you. At the end of your policy term you may not be able to enroll in a new policy. Also, there is most often no return of money at the term of the policy. The premium is an expense.

When should you consider term life insurance? If you need to insure a temporary risk for the lowest amount of premium possible. For instance:

  • Mortgage payment: If you were to pass away you would want to make sure that your spouse would be able to continue to pay the mortgage of your home without your income. You could take a life insurance contract on your life for the term of the mortgage with a death benefit value equal to the principal due on the mortgage.
  • Children: You may want to get a life insurance with a sufficient amount of death benefit that will help pay for the children education and raising expenses until they are in their mid-twenties. When they are older, this need will not exist anymore.

A permanent life insurance is an insurance contract that will cover all your life. As there is a certainty of the insured dying eventually, the premium is usually higher. On the other hand, as a permanent life insurance, your rate will be determined by your age and health at the time of issuance and the appearance of a medical condition later in life will not void your contract nor increased the premium..

There are multiple sub categories in the permanent life insurance. The more common are the Whole Life and the Universal Life insurances contracts.

Whole Life premium will be constant for the rest of your life. Universal Life premium will increase when you age but will be cheaper initially when you are younger than for whole life.

Permanent Life Insurances are building cash value. It means that you can surrender the policy or withdraw money out of it. By overfunding a permanent life insurance, you can unlock many very tax-efficient, asset protected and income stream benefits for retirement or investment purpose. Please look at the overfunded permanent life insurance page.

When should you consider permanent life insurance?

When you expect that your insurance need will continue later in life and when you may not be able to receive term coverage anymore. For instance:

  • to provide for special need children
  • to create a college fund for your children
  • to create a stream of income for retirement
  • to transfer wealth to your heir tax-free
  • to protect your assets against future creditors
  • to increase your investment return

Most first responders" employers will pay for some basic term life insurance that may cover for funeral expenses and often up to one year of salary. While welcome, this amount is probably grossly insufficient to cover the need of your family if you were to untimely pass away. Also, once you retired, the coverage usually stops.

You may be allowed to increase the coverage by paying out of pocket additional premium. The employer group rate will often be cheaper than buying an independant outside term policy while you are employed but it may be limited in options. Also rarely does an employer offer permanent life insurance.

Having a pre-existing medical condition or being a tobaco user will usually increase the cost of insurance. Some insurance carrier will put more or less weight on some medical conditions than others. So it is important to shop with multiple insurance companies to find the best fit for your situation.

If you are looking for a term life insurance, you may find better rate with your employer group insurance offers. For the purpose of an overfunded permanent life insurance, the death benefit offered for the same amount of premium will probably be lowered, but as a whole, the cash value growth will perform similarly.

Instead of trying to buy the most death benefit for the minimum amount of premium, we are buying the minimum death benefit while paying the maximum amount of premium allowed by the IRS. Any amout of premium that is not used to pay the cost of the insurance is going to the cash value of the policy and is growing tax-free.

A properly set up maximum overfunded permanent life insurance policy should be optimized to minimize the fee based on the premium schedule that you want to contribute. Depending on the type of life insurance product used, the optimum strategy is often to plan to pay the same amount of premium for at least 5 to 7 years.

Infinite Banking, Bank on Yourself, the LASER fund, ... are branding and trademarks of concepts using permanent overfunded life insurances. Some are focused on using a specific type of product, some are more holistic in the approach of money management. But all of them are using the tax advantages of permanent life insurance contracts to provide excellent growth vehicles for your wealth.

Our company is not associated nor affiliated with any of these brands. We are looking for each client's specific needs and are not constrained by the limitations of a particular concept.


Act Now

The sooner you start your life insurance contract, the cheaper it will be. Do not wait until you develop a medical condition or get older. Do not add to your loved ones a financial burden in addition to their grief.

For wealth growth, the power of compounding is time. The less time you have left, the less amount of growth. $10,000 compounding at 8% over 50 years will become $469,016. But if left only for 20 years, it would only grow to $46,610. The sooner you start, the more you will have available for retirement.

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